10 ENERGY SAVING TIPS TO GOBBLE UP THIS THANKSGIVING With help from the Edison Electric Institute, you can ensure your electric bill will look as good as your Thanksgiving dinner. …
Electric Heaters FAQ
How Does an Electric Heater Work? An electric heater is an electrical appliance that converts electrical energy into heat. The heating element inside every electric heater is simply an electrical …
What is a Heat Pump?
What is a Heat Pump? How Does an Electric Heater Work? An electric heater is an electrical appliance that converts electrical energy into heat. The heating element inside every …
Safety Tips For Your Electric Heater Rental
Safety is our #1 Priority at 1st Cooling! Below are some tips to keep in mind when operating your electric heater. Water and Electricity DON’T MIX! Keep your heater far …
What is a BTU? (British Thermal Unit)
Looking into renting a portable AC Unit from 1stCooling Inc.? Find yourself lost in the terminology? Here is a helpful explanation of the unit of measurement we use when determining …